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Kyle Resheske  |  Architectural Designer   Thesis: The Leftovers + Collective Works

Welcome to ‘The Leftovers’,


Today we are going to reflect upon the misfits of society, the ones we label cosmetically challenged for human consumption, the ones that we neglect and disregard without any remorse. I am addressing our unhealthy relationship with the food we waste and never consume.


These foods are simply misunderstood; our lack of compassion derives from deformities, scale, bruises and blemishes and the fear of an arbitrary sell-by date.


Meanwhile, in the ‘Land of Opportunity’ (U.S.) we waste around 40% of our food production, while 49 million Americans struggle to put food on the table and it is estimated that we need twice the amount of food produced by the year 2050.


This fractured system needs to be dramatically transformed by re-distributing what already exists and eliminate all ties to the landfill afterlife.


Architecturally & as a society we instinctively ridicule false identities purely derived from aesthetic, without any consequential consideration.


This has & will continue to negatively impact our quality of life & the environment we inhabit if we allow our wasteful habits & biased visual assumptions to blind us from the truth.


The menu of the built environment is constructed with Leftover ingredients (materials) that glorifies the imperfections of the cosmetically challenged, pursuing to transform consumer behavior into an acceptance of the grotesque.

The concept of the program is an evolutionary reflection of eliminating ‘waste’ from ‘food waste’ into a symbiotic relationship of characters emerging into the built environment delivering responsibilities & controversial behaviors to the sidekicks and consumers.


My proposal is a fight against food waste through an emporium serving inglorious fruits & vegetables that are labeled cosmetically challenged for human consumption. My design concept reimagines our perceptual & sensorial relationship by challenging normative conventions of everyday life.

The Leftovers - Fargus & Friends
00:00 / 00:00

1st year Masters Work: Waste to Wonder  +  Site Unseen

Undergraduate: 320 + 410 + 420 Studio Work

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