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A mutated analysis of characters emerging into the built environment to pursue acceptance amongst society. These rejects are a range of abnormal gardensoxx studies that are improperly installed on-site causing them to deform. Looping, drooping, squeezing gardensoxx. Analyzing the limitations of form in relationship to the human body at different scales and complex geometries. The characters identities were driven by inherent pre-conceptions of human behavior that formulate subjective opinions purely from appearances. We misinterpret our cosmetically challenged fruits & vegetables similarly to human discrimination: race (discoloration, bruises & blemishes), sex (form & scale) and age (fear of an arbitrary sell-by date). The Leftovers glorifies these so-called outcasts of society by exposing their true identity.






The 1st character we encounter is the smell of WARi. WARi’s sidekick is landscaper Pete who fills WARi up with fresh compost which is decayed organic matter assisting in vegetative growth & storm water management. WARi snakes around the perimeter of the Emporium & the context of the site stretching up to 600ft & biodegrades between 6 months to a year depending on the climate. 


As we smell pass WARI we are then greeted by a funky looking creature named FARGUS. FARGUS is stuffed with shopping saks that have free food upon expiration (happy meal toy). Sidekick farmer GUS delivers this food that would otherwise be thrown out. When grabbing the shopping sak we reach through the insides of FARGUS; touching the Aroma of  WARi.

After we are done feeling up FARGUS we are then attracted to a more tasteful aroma coming from the dinning space. This smell oozes through ‘Nose Cones’ that appear as tentacles slithering out of the Chefs Table. We stuff our noses inside & inhale the menu for the day. Any leftover food scraps are then tossed into an open compost pile that feeds energy back into the emporium & nutrition back into the environment.


My misfits (characters) are seasonal creatures that provoke education & healthy nutrition to the consumer along with the environment. Program Menu: Dinning (eat ugly), shopping (food & misfit gifts), compost hot spring (winter time), fueling station (farmers, chefs & providers) & an energy source that supplements a range of diverse uses.

Michael Andrews - Rosie Darko
00:00 / 00:00

Character Development:

Sensorial Sequence:

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