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3039A North Oakland Ave.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211


Phone: 920 851 1195

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I am an architectural designer with a social ecological concentration that desires film and sound to capture the essence of spatial perceptions through investigative research. I focus on sensorial characteristics that influence design methodologies, the built environment, representation and behavioral personas. I become intimate with my work by feeling the raw ingredients and acknowledging the rhythm of soundscapes that inspire the health and well-being of our spatial relationship.


I’ve been influenced with sensory impairments through an ASL (American Sign Language) course which made me conscious of individuals who are deaf, blind, photophobic or autistic. I began to develop a comprehensive understanding of spatial qualities through the people who are affected by it the most. My interests and experience deliver unorthodox methods to challenge normative conventions of everyday life that are problematic amongst our environment. I use tactile and technological skills as a tool of representation and as an extension to reality that communicates my ideas clearly to a specific audience. 


My educational background has given me the opportunity to view architecture not only as building anatomy but as an evolutionary reflection of time and space orchestrated through enticing relationships and contradictions. I believe diagnosing pre-existing and existing symptoms of a sites context to examine appropriate perspectives of the built environment before we intervene. I am constantly adapting to technological advancements to experiment with different tools and mediums of representation while maintaining a tactile primitive process of development.  

Max Richter: The Leftovers - The Departure
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